Wine Tasting Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for Beginners

Wine tasting can be an enjoyable and enlightening experience, whether you're a wine enthusiast or just beginning to explore the world of wine. However, navigating the etiquette of wine tasting can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially for beginners. We've compiled a list of essential do's and don'ts to help you make the most of your wine-tasting adventures. By following these guidelines, you'll feel more confident and knowledgeable during your next wine-tasting excursion.


  1. Dress Appropriately: When attending a wine-tasting event, it's best to dress in smart-casual attire. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes, as they can interfere with your ability to smell and appreciate the aromas of the wines.

  2. Pace Yourself: Take your time when tasting wines. Sip slowly, savoring each flavor and aroma. Allow yourself to fully experience the nuances of the wine before moving on to the next one.

  3. Use the Provided Spittoons: Wine tasting often involves sampling multiple wines, and it's perfectly acceptable to use the spittoons provided. Spitting out the wine allows you to taste a wider variety without becoming intoxicated.

  4. Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions about the wines you're tasting. The staff or sommelier is there to assist you and provide information about the wines, regions, and winemaking processes. This can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the wines.

  5. Cleanse Your Palate: Between tastings, cleanse your palate with water or unsalted crackers to neutralize your taste buds. This ensures that each wine is tasted with a fresh perspective and prevents flavors from blending.


  1. Don't Overfill Your Glass: It is customary to pour only a small amount of wine during tastings. This allows you to sample a variety of wines without consuming excessive amounts. Remember, it's about tasting, not drinking.

  2. Don't Be Afraid to Spit: Spitting out wine is acceptable during a tasting. It's a practical way to maintain sobriety and fully appreciate the sampled wines.

  3. Don't Be Intimidated: Wine tasting is a learning experience; everyone starts somewhere. Don't be intimidated by others' knowledge or opinions. Trust your palate and enjoy the journey of discovering your personal preferences.

  4. Don't Dominate the Conversation: While discussing the wines is great, be mindful of others around you. Avoid monopolizing the conversation and allow everyone to share their thoughts and impressions.

  5. Don't Criticize Harshly: When discussing wines, be respectful and constructive in your feedback. Remember that taste is subjective, and what may not appeal to you might be someone else's favorite. Offer your opinions with tact and consider alternative perspectives.

Wine Tasting Etiquette and Details

By following these wine-tasting etiquette rules, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your wine-tasting adventures with confidence. Remember to dress appropriately, take your time, ask questions, and respect the experience of others. Wine tasting is about the wine itself and the enjoyment, education, and camaraderie it brings.

Whether you prefer indoor or outdoor seating, our wine-tasting experience caters to your preferences. Our tasting hours are as follows:

  • Monday-Thursday from 2pm to 7pm

  • Friday from 1pm to 7pm

  • Saturday from 12pm to 8pm

  • Sunday from 12pm to 7pm

Walk-ins are welcome, but we encourage reservations for groups larger than 4. For vegan charcuterie orders, please give us at least 48 hours' notice. If you have inquiries about larger groups, feel free to email or call us at 844-436-7946.

We welcome children and dogs warmly, so please book for the number of tastings only. We look forward to providing you with a delightful wine-tasting experience. Cheers!

Jody Greene

Verde Marketing Communications is a boutique marketing firm led by me, Jody Greene, your new outsourced Director of Marketing. I will not only work to understand your business and your goals but I will be a sounding board, your partner, and your champion to help your business grow.

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